Filter and Coupling Matrix Synthesis

SW version 5.0.0

Guided Wave Technology's Coupling Matrix Synthesis software facilitates synthesis of coupling matrices for Chebyshev filtering functions, with prescribed finite-position transmission zeroes.

It also gives a fast and accurate overview of insertion loss, isolation, group delay and coupling coefficients versus filter order, return loss and transmission zero positions. The software allows placement of complex transmission zeroes, which opens up for group delay shaping.
The software is intended for engineers, students and others who are engaged in design and analysis of microwave filters from both component and system point of views. To operate the software only basic knowledge about filters and filter terms are required.
The 'engine' in the software is similar to the tool which is available on Guided Wave Technology's web site and which has been used by thousands of engineers and students since 2002, which means that the software is based on very well proven and tested principles.
The main features of the software are:
  • advanced parameter plotting options (e.g. phases of S11 and S21, Stored energy of individual resonators, deviation from linear phase )
  • advanced graph and marker functions (e.g. marker lines)
  • easily re-scalable axes
  • coupling matrix values may be manually edited whereby the effect on filter characteristics can be observed
  • sensitivity Analysis (Monte-Carlo) of coupling coefficients
  • loaded Q or stored energy for each resonator
  • superior parameter overview (input and output parameters can be seen at the same time)
  • integrated help functionality
  • s-parameter data file (s2p) output
  • coupling matrix to text file output/input
  • limit lines with pass/fail indicators
  • spice model (file) generation
Even though lots of efforts have been put in making this software self explanatory and easy to use, some issues, terms and concepts may need some extra clarification, which is the intention of this small manual to give.

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