The Filter and Coupling Matrix Synthesis software (CMS) is locked by a license file to the PC where it is installed.
This means that change of PC, re-installation of Windows or change of hard drive necessitates issuance of a new license file.

A yearly maintenance fee is therefore introduced, which allows users to get new license files when needed + upgrades when available.

The yearly maintenance fee is USD 200,- and is charged in December for the coming year.

The first year after purchase of CMS is of course exempt from this fee.


If you decide to enroll in this scheme, you will:

·         get access to the latest CMS version (currently 5.0)

·         be able to get new license and installer files when needed

·         only pay maintenance for one license per site regardless how many you have at the site

·         continue  to receive support about operating the software

If you decide not to enroll in this scheme, you will:

·         be able to run your current version of the software just as before

·         not be able to get new license and installer files when changing PC, reinstall Windows, replacing or reformatting hard drives etc.

Later enrolment to the maintenance scheme is possible by paying the total maintenance fee counting from one year after the purchasing date (maintenance is included the first year after purchase).